Decrease Stress, Improve Focus, and get Healthier in 8 Weeks

Join the mindfulness revolution where you learn to perceive the underlying subconscious routines that are sabotaging your life. Right now I have a Fall Special for $297. That's $100 off of the normal price!

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Learn the Health-Enhancing Habits of Mindfulness that can Lead to Greater Emotional Resilience.

Week 1: Exploring Mindfulness

  • The Mindful Compass: a self-directing journey
  • Explained: The 7 pillars of mindfulness practice.
  • The Process of Non-Judgemental Awareness
  • Meditation Practice: The Body Scan
  • Mindfulness Exercise: Eating with Intention

Week 2: How we perceive the World and Ourselves

  • The Lens we Use when Looking at Events
  • Dealing with Difficult Unchangeable Situations
  • Cultivating Friendliness Toward Ourselves
  • Meditation Practice: The Mindful Seeing Exercise
  • Mindfulness Exercise: Stabilizing with the Breath

Week 3: Accepting Our Own Body

  • Bridging Yoga and Meditation
  • Facilitating Meditation with Enjoyable Exercise
  • Discovering Painful Boundaries
  • Meditation Practice: 10 Minute Body Scan
  • Mindfulness Exercise: Simple Floor Yoga

Week 4: Understanding Stress

  • The Effect of Stress on Our Body
  • Understand Positive vs. Negative Stress
  • Leaning toward the emotional stress response
  • Meditation Practice: The Breathing Space
  • Mindful Practice: Utilizing the S.T.O.P. Method

Week 5: Reaction or Mindful Response

  • Reflective Writing and Purposeful Planning
  • Locating the Emotional Response on Your Body
  • Choiceless Awareness: Viewing thoughts in a New Way
  • Accepting External Sounds into Your Reality
  • Meditation Practice: Mindful Hearing
  • Mindful Exercise: Reactionary Journaling

Week 6: Mindful Communication

  • Shifting to Non-Violent Communication
  • Role Playing to Strengthen Self-Awareness
  • Journaling Difficult Communication
  • Meditation Practice: 20 Minute Body Scan
  • Mindful Exercise: Dynamic Paired Communication

A Day of Mindfulness

(Retreat at Home)

  • Experience a full day of mindfulness at home
  • Improve Empathy and Self Understanding
  • Learn that non-doing is actually Important
  • Meditation Practice: all practices learned in the class
  • Mindfulness Exercise: observing silence and letting the experience unfold 

Week 7: Taking Care of Ourselves

  • Actively "stepping-up" for ourselves in times of need
  • Becoming conscious of external inputs
  • Triggers to Eating and Toxic Substances
  • Mindfulness Exercise: Accepting Change
  • Meditation Practice: Seeing thoughts as thoughts

Week 8: Looking Back, Going Forward

  • Becoming our own best Friend
  • Radical Honesty through Self Inquiry
  • Keeping the Flame Burning
  • Mindfulness Exercise: Mindful Walking or Yoga
  • Meditation Practice: The Mountain

Clinically Proven to Help

Mindfulness based stress reduction has been used for over 20 years and helped over 30,000 people. It can help chronic pain, cardiovascular disease, sleep disorders, depression and anxiety, fibromyalgia, psoriasis, chronic diseases, cancer, and common stress.

JAMA Internal Medicine

Goyal et al.; 2013

After reviewing 18 753 citations, we included 47 trials with 3515 participants. Mindfulness meditation programs had moderate evidence of improved anxiety. 

Psychosomatic Medicine

Davidson et al.; 2003

...a short program in mindfulness meditation produces demonstrable effects on brain and immune function. 

National Academy of Science

Brewer et al.; 2011

Our findings demonstrate differences in the default mode network that are consistent with decreased mind wondering.

BONUS Meditation Recordings

Listen to them anywhere on the go.

Body Scan
Sample Meditation

"By Practicing Mindfulness, we can create the ability to think between a stress trigger and a stress reaction as we interrupt the process of going on automatic pilot and losing contact with the present moment."

Get ACCESS to the Live

Weekly 2 Hour Online Class

A Life Changing Event


Top features

  • 16 Hours of LIVE Instructor Lead Training covering in-depth training on meditation, yoga, communication, and nonjudgmental awareness
  • High Quality Meditation Recordings that you have access to on-the-go even after the class ends
  • A Broader Awareness to Your Emotional Reactions allowing you to cope better with catastrophic changes in life.
  • Increased Compassion for yourself, your family, and others in the Human Situation.
  • Emotional Trigger awareness and better understanding of stress-amplifying thoughts. 
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